Studio S
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MTSU Student Project Statement
When the idea was born to create a story of a potter and his work, I thought it would be just that. However, when I arrived at Studio S and met my would be subject, the story changed. Lewis Snyder isn’t just a potter; he’s a father, business man, artist, and most of all he’s a natural teacher.
For the last forty years he has spent his time mastering his craft. For all of his hard work he has become an impeccable artist. For someone like myself, who knew very little about pottery, he was quick to answer any questions I could throw at him.
With a soft spoken voice and great ease, he was able to help me understand, on a small scale, how he’s able to form a mound of clay into a work of art. His pottery is so admired that Studio S Pottery has been purchased, used, and displayed in the most famous house in America, The Whitehouse. He has been commissioned to supply dinnerware for Presidents Nixon to Bush.
As a seasoned artist, Lewis Snyder has accomplished what most can only hope to achieve.

Lewis & Eric Snyder